Thursday 27 April 2017

Planet Protection

Protect your planet from asteroids by blocking them yourself! Right arrow key moves clockwise, and the left arrow key moves anticlockwise.

I made this game. You can also play it at this site.

Wednesday 8 February 2017

Sunday 29 January 2017

Colourful craft

I made a bracelet with quilling paper and a colourful design which can be turned inside out.

Saturday 31 December 2016

New Year's poem

Here's a poem I made for new year:

Happy New year!
2017’s here!
2016’s history now,
As it leaves with a bow.

Fireworks and dancing,
Celebrations and partying,
Till the midnight hours,
At which the new year arrives.

Watch as 2016 draws to an end,
Wave it a goodbye, and its friend
2017 steps into take its place,
With a smile on its face.

Happy new year!

I made a card with Scratch for the new year. Check it out here.

Sunday 25 December 2016

Christmas cards

Here are all the Christmas cards I made:
 Christmas tree

Twist and pop